How to buy

Conveniently, easy and fast!

1. See the list of our goods.
2. Choose the goods you need.
3. When you have decided - press the BUY button.
4. Look at your shopping cart at the top right of the page.
5. If you want the selected goods in more than one copy, press the "+" sign in the shopping cart next to the specified number of goods.
6. By clicking the PLACE ORDER button, you must fill in all the required information in order to complete the order.
7. You will receive a confirmation of order acceptance to the specified e-mail, and a representative of our store will contact you in the near future to clarify the details of the order.
8. If the goods you want to buy are not in stock and it has to be specially ordered, you will have to make a guarantee deposit of at least 10% of the value of the goods (min.10.00 euros).
9. If your chosen goods are not available, we will offer you to replace it with an equivalent one or inform you about the availability of the specific goods in the future.

All goods prices are inclusive of Value Added Tax 21%. Delivery costs are not included in the price.
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